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Heal Mind Body Spirit

Sarah Dionne & Associates

We help people

create the fulfilling & happy lives they deserve.

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Our Mission is to provide authentic psychotherapy, life coaching and holistic care supporting people to create the fulfilling and happy lives they deserve.

Our Providers

We have a team of compassionate and devoted mental and spiritual health providers.  


"Each one of us is passionate about helping others.  We want people to live fully, freely... not just stable.  We want people to experience joy and happiness, which is what we all deserve."


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Sarah Dionne

EMDR therapist 
& Intuitive

Sarah guides you to embrace perceived limitations, creating empowerment, joy and success.  Sarah has lived with bipolar and ocd since childhood.  At times these challenges felt totally disempowering.  Through years of personal seeking, professional practice & self study, Sarah has come to understand the power of compassion when living with challenges, transforming them into empowerment.  Whether it's mental health, complex life stories or trauma, Sarah can guide you to transforming them into your greatest asset and most powerful tools for success.

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Dr. Patrick Ho Lam Lai



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Lauren Phillips-Jackson




Danyal Simmons

Clinical Psychotherapy Intern
Simmons University


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Always Growing To Serve

"We are passionate about what we do and hope to help your life grow into the one you desire and deserve."

"It was when I stopped searching for home within others and lifted the foundations of home within myself I found there were no roots more intimate than those between a mind and body that have decided to be whole"

-Rupi Kaur

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Local Elder Resources

Community Crochet

aView Of Life

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